
Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Ex

There are some things we take for granted. Some times we never know how good we have it until it is taken away from us...or in some cases we give it away.
At this time in our country it seems we are sure giving away a lot of our freedoms, without ever realizing what we have, or that we can never get them least not without a huge cost, and even then it has to be wanted bad enough by all parties. 
Anyway, that was totally a different subject!

One of the things I miss is my good old buddy that I spent many happy hours with.

 When I say hours--I mean HOURS!

 He was my miracle horse, one that I had spent YEARS praying for because I felt like I would just DIE if I didn't have my own horse! 

Back then Dad always said that he wasn't going to get the girls a horse, because they could always ride his, and I guess he thought that girls were so if they got married or something where does the horse go? It's not like girls normally get/got to choose their own houses and such.

But, he knew I loved them, and one year we were going to have three foals. I secretly told Karissa that I was going to 'adopt' one of those foals. Train it, and pretend it was mine. And nobody else was allowed to ride it...just so she would know in advance! I don't think she ever told dad, but a couple months later I remember just like yesterday, dad told me that he was going to give me one of the foals for my Birthday, and for helping out with chores and irrigation.

 I went to my room and bawled. I went outside and bawled. I snuck out in the dark and bawled. I climbed on the horses backs and bawled. I brushed out the mama's to be and bawled. I climbed the haystack and bawled. I prayed and bawled. I dreamed and bawled. I just plain BAWLED my EYES out! 

This was shortly after I got saved, and recommitted my life to the Lord. It was like a confirmation that God and Dad LOVED me, and was giving me those sweet little gifts that just make a shy, lonely girl feel so special <3

Springtime came, and dad and I would joke around as to whether I got to pick out which foal, or dad got to. Unfortunately, some things do happen, and one of his mares foaled into the there wasn't necessarily a 'choice' after all. I was going to pick the dead foal, because I sure felt bad for taking dads. He wouldn't have it. We would tease about it, but he told me that this baby was MINE!

I learned a LOT about horses with him. I learned how MUCH I DIDN'T know! I always thought that I could make a horse obey. I never realized that if a horse didn't know that pulling back on the reigns meant stop, he didn't know WHAT on earth I was talking about! I would pull on the reign and he would turn his head, but nothing else! Then he would be like 'huh? I'm doing exactly what you told me to do!'  I learned to actually patiently and kindly 'teach' a horse what things meant.

But we learned, and he became and awesome horse. Of course, he had his faults...many of them! But I am not going to go into details here. I decided to sell him, and I did. I sold him to some wonderful people, and it was totally my decision. I have regretted it at times. But, sometimes you DO regret some decisions :-) I don't even know that I would go so far as to say that it was a bad decision. Just that I do miss him because we had a connection with each other that doesn't come from training, but spending many a hundreds of hours together. I can't spend time with my horses like that anymore. I graduated from High School, got a job, and became more busy (Or maybe I should say responsible for other things) than ever. But I do have sweet memories :-)

And I am getting really inspired and anxious to get out there and spend more time with my horses this coming year. I am PUMPED for the year to come. I don't know if I've EVER been so excited about a new year coming...even though I am becoming an older woman all the time, I am looking forward to the life ahead of me :D

Sunday, January 5, 2014


"She has what I call 'Senioritis'" she said. "People who have been here a long time, and started out as great workers, but after awhile they become used to the routine, and loose their ambition to do as good as a job as they used to." She shakes her head "And, they know how to do everything, so they think it's their business to tell everybody else how to do it right, but aren't necessarily willing to do it that way themselves anymore. They just sort of do it to get by, but have no heart for the job."

This was spoken by my old boss at Dairy Queen years ago. When she spoke this I realized it was true. Over the years I have seen a lot of this. In fact, I think I've had it several a lot of times. So many times I start a job, or a hobby at home home with so much ambition to do well, and after awhile it becomes monotonous. The dishes are never ending, and dusting once a week seems to be such a waste of good time! I get sooo bored doing the same thing over and over! After awhile I realize that I am not doing as good of a job as I used to do. I procrasinate and let things slide. Of course, after I notice symptons the diagnosis is always the same. 'Senioritis'!!

But, we all have our faults, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had the symptoms of Senioritis. What I REALLY need to look out for though, is when it becomes a tumor in my spiritual life. When I loose my first love for Him and Him alone. When I feel like reading a book at bedtime instead God's Word. When I start to pray, but my mind wanders to the things I need to get done, or conversations I've had. When my Bible study becomes a chore, instead of a chance to get to know God's heart. When instead of evaluationg my life according to God's standards, I think I already know them and go along with how I've been living my life all along, without stopping to actually pray "Is this what/how you want me to live?"

How many of you have spiritual senoritis? 

Do you seriously even love God. No, not in speech...but in the deepest part of your heart?

Do not be discouraged if you do. After all...we can be treated by the Great Physician! All we have to do is ask, and be willing to accept His treatments/perscriptions. He is always excited to help us :D "He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". (Hebrews 11:6)

For those that aren't currently suffering symptoms...Good for you! "...and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)

Let us all remember to work diligently to do the best we can at what God calls us to do...even if it is just to spend a little time with Him, getting to know Him as He is, so that we have a heart like His!

That and eat fish and and almonds are great for alzeihmers--wait, we're talking about Senioritis here, not alzheimers. Okay, fill up on the bounty of God's Word...THAT is great for spiritual Senioritis :D